Logo for Institute for Exceptional Care: the organization's name is written out in all lowercase letters in the color orange. Underneath is an orange line that extends almost the full width of the email.

For example, over 115 individuals from 32 states have expressed interest in joining our new advocacy network, the IDD Advocate Corps, and our programs have been featured through Stanford, Harvard, the Administration on Community Living, and on Jason’s Connection, an online disability-focused community with over 330,000 members.

IEC’s success underscores both the urgent demand for our work and the need for support to expand our reach and impact. Some of this year’s highlights include:

  • Convened over 170 national and state health policymakers and disability advocates to set priority health outcomes and national goals to improve the health of people with IDD by 2035. Look out for the release of Health Outcomes That Matter in IDD in early 2024!

  • Created the Always Uniquely Me app, a tool usable on any digital device, that helps people with IDD and their caregivers/partners self-advocate in stressful healthcare situations. 

  • Completion of a National Roadmap for Disability Inclusive Healthcare, a collective effort by our ABC3 coalition. The Roadmap lays out the actions needed to drive culture change and preparedness for all general clinicians to better serve people with IDD. Look out for its public release in early 2024. 

  • Crafted our beliefs about what healthcare should look like, centering on supporting dignity and validation of every person; self-determination and tailored decision-making; and honoring a person’s goals as the primary focus of care delivery. 

We continue to see that nearly every solution we co-created with people with IDD can also improve healthcare and well-being for many other people.  

Our greatest accomplishment, however, is this incredible community. To our self-advocates, volunteers, funders, and disability and healthcare partners, this work would not be possible without your commitment to building a better healthcare system for all, through a relentless focus on solutions, and true partnerships built on trust and empathy. We are so appreciative to all for believing in our mission and supporting IEC’s future.

With gratitude,