
Rx Foundation Q&A

Mai Pham did a Q&A with Megan Cook of the Rx Foundation about how universal design (making something easy to use for as many people as possible) would make healthcare better, not just for people with IDD but for everyone.

Standardization ≠ Equity: Presenting IIDDEAL at CMS

IEC’s IIDDEAL project presented at the inaugural CMS Health Equity Conference, with project co-leads Teal Benevides and Mai Pham discussing “Standardization ≠ Equity: Supporting Health Outcomes That Matter Most to People with IDD.”

What’s Working in Washington Podcast

Mai Pham recently appeared on What’s Working in Washington, sharing how her own experience raising a child with autism opened her eyes to the gaps in healthcare faced by people with IDD, and how this experience inspired the founding of IEC.

Different Brains Podcast

Mai Pham recently appeared on the Different Brains podcast with Dr. Hackie Reitman and discussed IEC’s work transforming healthcare for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Urban Institute Panel on Health Inequity

Mai joined the Urban Institute for a panel marking the anniversary of a landmark report on health inequity, “Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care.”